
After installation, You will have "Settings" and "Transaction logs" link next to the activate link on the module. Click on the "Settings" to configure the pesapal gateway.

Action links


  1. Click on the "settings" link on the module.
  2. Get your pesapal keys and fill on the settings form.  

    Use follow credential for test or obtain a test credential from you Pesapal dashboard:  

    • Consumer key: vknEWEEFeygxAX+C9TPOhvkbkPsj8qXK
    • Consumer secret: MOOP31smKijvusQbNXn/s7m8jC8=


  3. This module only support currencies supported by Pesapal Payment gateway.

Optional: translation of texts

Our module contains a localized file with all necessary strings in it, so you can translate them to your own language if its needed or change them. This file can be found under module's folder and /language/english/ subfolder.

You can create your own language folders there or override the language strings directly from your custom language file of Perfex's installation ( link )